
۱۳۹۳ خرداد ۱۲, دوشنبه

متن انگلیسی نامه شاهرخ زمانی، رضا شهابی و محمد جراحی به اجلاس سازمان جهانی کار

Listen to our voices from Rajai Shahr, Evin and Tabriz prisons

Mr. Director-Genral, syndicates and trade unions;

We would like to draw your attention to the repression of the workers syndicates and violation of the basic rights of workers in Iran including lack of job security, mass dismissals, the under poverty line payments, lack of right to strike and have independent workers’ syndicates and racist policies toward Afghani workers.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please listen to the voices of Iranian jailed workers such as Reza Shahabi, Behnam Ebrahimzadeh, Jafar Azimzadeh, Mehdi Farahi Shandiz, Abdolreza Ghanbari in Evin Prison in Tehran, Shahrokh Zamani and Rasoul Badaghi in Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj, Mohammad Jarrahi in Tabriz Prison, Ebrahim Mostafapour, Ghasem Mostafapour, Jamal Minashiri, Hadi Tanuman and Mohammad Karimi in Mahabad Prison and Mohammad Molanai, Yousef Abkharabat and Vahed Seyyedeh in Bokan Prison.
We must mention that at the moment that this letter is being written some workers like Behnam Ebrahimzadeh and Jafar Azimzadeh are in solitary confinements under torture, some others are prosecuted and some may be imprisoned whom we are not aware of because the Islamic Republic never announces the names of the arrested ones.
We urge you to help us in obtaining the basic rights of the workers in Iran through pointing out 3 demands during the 103rd Session of the International Labour Conference:
1-   The workers’ house (Khaneye Kargar) and other governmental organizations are not the representatives of the Iranian workers. Do not let them participate in the session.
2-   We urge you not to let the Islamic Republic of Iran take part in this session unless they accept free elections in order to choose the real representatives of Iranian workers. These elections must be under the monitoring of ILO.
3-   Do not permit the representatives of Islamic Republic of Iran unless they accept to fulfill their obligations on the basis of Concord number 98 and number 87.

Reza Shahabi, the board member of the syndicate of workers of Tehran and suburbs bus company from Evin Prison in Tehran
Shahrokh Zamani, the member of the provisional board for reopening of House-Painter Workers’ Union and the Follow-up Committee to Set up Free Labor Organizations from Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj
Mohammad Jarrahi, the member of the Follow-up Committee to Set up Free Labor Organizations from Central Prison of Tabriz
May 20, 2014

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