
۱۳۹۳ اردیبهشت ۲, سه‌شنبه

حمایت کنفدراسیون کارگران و اتحادیه‌ی نقاشان سوئد از شاهرخ زمانی - متن انگلیسی

LO and The Swedish Painters' Union urge release of Shahrokh Zamani

 A jailed union active member, painter Shahrokh Zamani, a member of the Founding Board of the Syndicate of Painters of Tehran and the Committee to Pursue the Establishment of Workers Organizations, has been on hunger strike since 8 March.

Health at risk

As a result of his hunger strike, Shahrokh Zamani has been moved from Gohar Dasht Prison to the much harder Ghezel Hesar Prison in Karaj, where he was  recently held in solitary confinement.

Shahrokh Zamani has lost 17 kilos and his condition is now critical.

Appeal to end hunger strike

The Iranian trade union champion was arrested in June 2011 as a result of his efforts to organise workers. He was then sentenced to 11 years in prison for, as it was said, having acted against national security.

LO and The Swedish Painters' Union realize that the situation and the wretched conditions in the prison leave few protest opportunities besides hunger strike. However, we still wish to appeal to Shahrokh Zamani to stop his action, says Leif Isaksson, international secretary at LO.

Zamani is very important to the future trade union movement in Iran and needed in its future work. It would be in every way unfortunate to risk his health.

Iran violates human rights

LO and The Swedish Painters' Union condemn the Iranian regime's inhumane way of treating people. They call upon President Hassan Rouhani to show respect for human rights by immediately releasing the imprisoned trade union activists.

Furthermore, they demand that President Rouhani takes measures to put an end to intimidation, harassment and persecution of union activists in Iran and to ensure the observance of ILO conventions.


Send your protests letters to: info@leader.ir, info@judiciary.ir, iran@un.int; rouhani@csr.ir ; ijpr@iranjudiciary.org, info@dadiran.ir, office@justice.ir, support@irimlsa.ir; info@humanrights-iran.ir; avaei@Dadgostary-tehran.ir; bia.judi@yahoo.com; info@mlsa.ir; larijani@ipm.ir;

Twitter: @khamenei_ir; @HassanRouhani

cc: info@workers-iran.org

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