
۱۳۹۲ مهر ۱۰, چهارشنبه

Shahrokh Zamani condemned to six months in jail after retrial

Category: Campaigns
Published on Tuesday, 01 October 2013 21:13
Written by Amin Kazemi
Hits: 50
On Saturday September 8 Shahrokh Zamani, a member of the Re-launching Committee of the Trade Union of Painters and Decorators and a member of the Council of Representatives of the Committee for the Pursuit of the Creation of Free Labour Organisations, who has been charged with the crime of forming a socialist group and "propaganda against the system" was taken to Branch 2 of Tabriz's Revolutionary Court for retrial on charges of insulting the regime's Leader.

Shahrokh already has an 11-year suspended sentence hanging over him and has been held in Karaj's Rajaishahr detention centre for some months. The whole court case against him was based on fabricated testimonials by two disreputable inmates.
On September 26 Branch 2 of Tabriz's Revolutionary Court sentenced Shahrokh to serve six months in custody at Rajaishahr (Gohar Dasht) prison.
Over the past few days Intelligence Ministry officials have visited Rajaishahr (Gohar Dasht) in Karaj and threatened Shahrokh Zamani, Saleh Kohandel, Saeed Masouri, Khaled Hardani and Farzad Madadzadeh with the death penalty if they do not abandon their political activities.
Iranian Workers' Solidarity Network calls on all trade unionists, human rights activists and socialists to support Shahrokh Zamani by calling for his immediate and unconditional release from jail. You can show your support using the Free Shahrokh Zamani Facebook page.
Iranian Workers' Solidarity Network 

30 September 2013

Source: Shahrokh Zamani Defence Committee

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