
۱۳۹۰ تیر ۱۲, یکشنبه

بیانیه نهادهای بین المللی

We Demand the unconditional release of Shahrokh Zamani, Mohammad Jarahi, Seyed…  and all other imprisoned Workers

Not a day passes by on which the wheel of capitalism on the shoulders of the Workers takes no hostage for his bloody turn. Detention, arrest, prosecution, imprisonment, torture, heavy bails and the uncertainty of labour activists are all hostage-taking from all labor activists by capitalism.

Known Workers such as Behnam Ebrahim-Zadeh, Ebrahim Madadi, and Reza Shahabi... are all in prison.

Mansour Osanloo temporary release on bail took place at a point of time that a massive protest of worker´s sympathizers in Geneva (on June 9th2011) was organized at the annual meeting of ILO. Ali Nejati, Haft Tapeh trade union board member was put on trial in Branch 13 of the Appeals Court in city the of Ahwaz. Khaled Hosseini also a labor activist and member of the "Coordinating Committee to help form Workers’ Organizations" was sentenced to one year prison in Branch 2 of so called “Revolutionary Court” of the city Sanandaj.

Apart from these, the case of activists - participants in a public one-day mountain climbing event- was brought again to the Branch one of the Revolutionary Court after eight days since they were put on trial. In this faked trial 10 of the detainees were acquitted of the charges, but two of them, Sadigh Sobhani and Wafa Ghaderi were each sentenced to 1- year prison. That sentence was converted to a fine of one million Toman. The bloody death of five oil refinery workers in Tehran and four refinery workers in Abadan refinery while working without any industrial safety during the visit of Ahmadinejad have to be added to crimes record of Bloodthirsty capitalist Islamic Republic of Iran.

Arrest and imprisonment of Shahrokh Zamani, Mohammad Jarahi and Seyed… have to be considered as a component in this assortment of violation of the rights of workers and working people.  

Shahrokh Zamani is a house-painter and decorator, member of reopening committee of “building, painting and decorating union” and also a member of "Council of Representatives of “Committee to Explorer the Establishment of Workers' organizations". He was arrested during a bus journey from Tehran to Tabriz.

Mohammad Jarahi is laid-off worker of Asaloyeh and member of “Committee to Explorer the Establishment of Workers' organizations". He was arrested by intelligence ministry agents and now is detained in Tabriz prison. Meanwhile, Mr. Seyed…, a worker at Saba Train line Company, in which the workers have had two successful strikes within the past two years, was arrested on charges of inciting the workers.

Based on the latest news, Mr. Zamani is detained at the intelligence ministry building of city Tabriz and under interrogation, severe harassment and torture. His Case is transferred to the branch 4 of “Revolutionary Court” in Tabriz. Reports add that his family is intimidated and told by the Authorities:”…we can do nothing for him, because he offers resistance during the hearing and does not cooperate…”

Despite repeated visit requests, the family of Mohammad Jarahi failed to meet him.

Seyed ... was arrested at work, he was arrested simultaneously with Mohammad Jarahi.

We, the activists organized in the Solidarity Committees with the Iranian Workers’ movement-abroad in Europe, Australia, Turkey, Canada and USA condemn intimidation of labour activists by arrest, summon, imprisonment and making heavy bails and demand the unconditional release of Shahrokh Zamani, Mohammad Jarahi, Seyed… and all other imprisoned labour activists.

The Solidarity Committees give strong support to “Committee for defending Shahrokh Zamani” and “Committee for defending Mohammad Jarahi” and all other campaigns and organizations acting for release of worker activists.

We will do everything in our power for release of all imprisoned workers and all political prisoners.

Right now we have put high on our agenda the organizing and carrying out of pickets, protest actions, information desks, contacting the Labour Organizations, Trade Unions etc..

We call all freedom loving people to participate actively in these protest actions to bring the voice of Iranian workers and people against the Islamic republic of Iran to the world.

We have to take action wherever we are and whatever we can do for the freedom and liberation of Shahrokh Zamani, Mohammad Jarahi, Seyed ... and all imprisoned workers and political prisoners. Join wherever you are to the campaigns for release of imprisoned workers in order to support workers struggles in Iran.

Help us to build solidarity Institutions with workers in different cities and countries.

Imprisoned Workers and political prisoners must be freed!

Down with capitalist Islamic Republic of Iran!

July 2011

Solidarity Committees with the Iranian Workers’ Movement- abroad


Solidarity Committee with Iranian Workers Movement- Australia                            proletarianunite@gmail.com   

Committee in Support of Workers in Iran – Toronto, Canada                                       toronto_committee@yahoo.ca
Committee in Defense of Iranian Workers – Norway                                                      
Committee of Socialist Solidarity with Iranian Workers – France                              
Association of Solidarity with Iranian Workers – Frankfurt and
Suburb, Germany                                                                                                                    

Solidaritätsverein mit der Arbeiterbewegung im Iran – Hannover                             kanon.hannover@yahoo.de                       
Iranian and Swedish Workers' Solidarity Committee- Sweden                                   
Association of Solidarity with Iranian workers, Guttenberg ,Sweden                        
Jamal Cherq-Veisi Worker Association                                                                            

Workers Solidarity Network                                                                                             iranwsn@fastmail.fm                  

Iranian left Alliance – Washington, USA                                                                         leftalliance@yahoo.com   

Association of Solidarity with Iranian and Canadian Workers                                 kanonhambastagi@gmail.com

Solidarity Center with Workers in Iran- Nord Rain Westfallen (Germany)             solidarity.labor@googlemail.com

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