
۱۳۹۱ بهمن ۵, پنجشنبه

ترجمه نامه شاهرخ به سندیکا ها ی کارگری توسط کمیته همبستگی با جنبش کارگری ایران - استرالیا

Shahroukh Zamain’s Letter
Address to all the workers organizations, the workers union and the workers syndicates of Egypt, Tunisia, Japan, Turkey, Australia, Russia, Canada and other Asian Countries.

The work mates

Accept my sincere greetings along with other working class prisoners from the hell like prisons of the Islamic Republic of Iran. I, Shahroukh Zamani, the member of the working painting Syndicates, the worker house, the workers action committees as well as the workers union along with tens of other workers activists in Iran, have been detained and currently are languishing in the Islamic republic notorious jails in Iran.  We have been deprived of our basic fundamental rights merely for defending our just rights to form the workers unions and protest for not receiving our working class rights and have been given heavy and long term sentences and put behind the bars experiencing and facing the most possible critical conditions such as physical and psychological tortures under horrifying situations in the notorious prisons of the Islamic republic of Iran.
 The Islamic government is protecting the vested interests of the tinny portions of the rich Billionaires such as the clerical elements and the military personnel who are nothing but the parasites and the scum portions of the capitalists system in Iran and simultaneously in the same path, the government of Iran, uses the policies of slavery kind exploitations of 50 millions of working class families. These ugly policies are carried out in the style of brutal suppression of all the workers committees, the workers actions committees, the independent labor unions, such as Tehran bus company, the painters Syndicates, the Haftappeh sugarcane company, the Saqeze bakeries centre, and the coordinating workers committees by tracking down any workers associations or workers establishment and their just cause in Iran.
The growing and continuous unpaid wages of the workers and toilers, including that their wages to a great extent have been decreased in about one quarters below the poverty lines, the privatizations of all the aspects of manufacturing industries, the public services, the educations and training, health care and hygiene, transferring and turning of all those public assets into money bag for the wealthy and powerful mafia gangs and groups in power in Iran.
The complete total destruction and abolitions of all jobs security with the temporary agreements and contracts as a blank signed papers in the language of the working class to the benefits and total interest of the capitalist at the expenses of the workers in the area of social security, the labor rules and regulations to the turning and twisting the workers fundamental rights in the favor and interest of the capitalists and changing the labor legislations in order for the unfair dismissal and expulsions, lifting the custom tariffs in the benefits of importing the junk and inferior quality goods with the petroleum dollars by the various mafia gangs and groups in power which has resulted the total annihilations of all domestic productions from both the sectors, the massive unemployment and poverty, huge  lay – offs of the working class.
The intensifications of oppressive and repressive measures in the working environment by the government tugs and informants recruited for the purpose into the offices, educational institutions, the worker house and other working places, the ruining of all cooperative and productions as well as the distributions of goods as are frequently looting and plundering by the mafia groups in powers and the constant oppressive measures of any slightest protest and strikes especially in the oil industries, machinery industries, the Iran Khodroo factory which has shown and indicated the fearful behavior of the Islamic government from these workers organizations  in Iran.
The Islamic government of Iran is the steward and partner of multinationals imperialist corporations in implementing the policies and agenda of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB), to intensify and put pressures on the working class and toiling classes as well.  To stand up and oppose the increasing and conducted oppressive policies of the world capitalists classes against the working class people in Iran, as a battalion army of the world working class people should know and realize that they have very much pain and problems in common with the other working class movement and  consequently they ought to be firm and  stand against any invasion by  their capitalists class enemy through the forming of an international  united front mainly based on their fundamental political and economical demands  of the working class.
Working brothers and sisters
 In order to serve and appease the world capitalists class, the Islamic government as a member of the International Labor Organization ( ILO), neither attach nor respects the least importance of the labor conventions regulated by such organizations, and ironically  this Islamic political system totally ignores even its own constitutional article of 26, referring to the  labor laws and regulations and brutally suppress any slightest working rights  and demands by cracking down any workers organizations with the policies of  intimidations, arrest and put behind bars for long term imprisonment in the showcase judicial and mockery trial without any independent judiciary and denying any defense lawyer or legal aid to  the workers by the order of the anti human notorious ministry of security and intelligence services in Iran.
The detained workers activists are deprived of any basic legal rights and legal aid and under the recommendations of the hell like and inhuman security and intelligent forces, are put behind bars and given heavy prison terms by the government judges.
I, Shahroukh Zamani, was sentenced to 11 years jail term, Rasoul Badaghi, the members of the teachers associations was given 6 years, Behnam Ebrahimzadeh with 5 years, Reza Shahabi, with 6 years, Mohammad Jarrahi, with 5 years, Pedram Nasrullahi with 3 years and many others are detained and suffering under most brutal and inhuman prisons of the Islamic government in Iran. The workers activists are frequently subjected to increase oppressions through  constant harassment, intimidations, persecutions, expulsions from their jobs, detentions, for long term prisons and kept under the suppressive police security forces so that the labor class would not be able to struggle and stay leaderless and without organization and under such extreme circumstances the threat of joblessness, hunger, poverty and unemployment results more and more wealth for the rich and capitalists classes in Iran and the world.
 We, the jailed workers of Iran,  call upon and demand from all international workers organizations and national workers organizations in various countries particularly from the Middle East and other Asia to array and struggle in the line of our fights against the policies of the anti workers particularly against the Islamic government and announce their solidarities and support for our cause and activities  with various means and pressure the International demand against the anti workers policies of the Islamic government and increase pressure in uniting the workers in Iran by showing their massive solidarity and support. 
The remedy is the unity and organizations
Workers of the World Unite
Shahroukh Zamani
From: Goohardasht Prisons
8th January 2013

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